Love, Lust and Conspiracy Read online

Page 6

  "Yes Ma'am. I'm your obedient sex slave."

  "Yes, you are and I want..., oh stop it or we'll never get any sleep. Just hold me, okay?"

  By the time I rolled out of bed the next morning, Kari had already showered, dressed and was on the phone with Euphoria. I rubbed my eyes and saw it was almost ten. "Oh boy it's late. I'll hurry. I don't want to make you late for work."

  She hung up and laughed. "You can't make me late. I'm the boss!"

  "But, what about your meetings?"

  "I just cancelled them all. Today it's just you and me, but we have a lot to do so get dressed and we'll go whenever you're ready."

  When we walked into the lobby, the receptionist said, "Good morning Kari, good morning Kimmy. We have everything ready for you in salon ten."

  "She called me Kimmy," I said as we walked down the hall.

  "Uh-huh, I told the necessary people what we're doing and I like Kimmy much better than Kimberly. Is it okay?"

  "Yeah..., it is actually, I like it too."

  Once we arrived in "Salon Number Ten", the attendant told me to change in the dressing room. I went in, removed my clothes and noticed there was nothing to put on. "Is there a gown or something I can wear?"

  She pulled the curtain aside and smiled. "It's okay Kimmy. We're all girls here."

  "Oh," I mumbled with a red face as I walked out and got on the table. "You didn't tell me ––"

  "Here, we'll cover you up with this towel before the others get here."


  Kari leaned over, kissed me and whispered, "Don't worry, these people are wonderful. They're professional, discreet and I'll be back in a while to see how they've treated my obedient slave."

  "I'll take good care of Kimmy Ma'am," said the attendant as Kari turned to leave.

  "I know you will Jean. I'll be with Ginger if you need me. See you in a bit sweetie."

  Suddenly, I was alone with a stranger face up on a massage table with only a small towel over my pelvis. My face was red, my heart was pounding and then, two more women came in. "Hi, my name is...," they said but I was so nervous I didn't hear anything over the thumping in my chest.

  "I think we need to relax you first so, turn over and we'll start with a massage."

  Within minutes I drifted into the soothing fingers massaging my neck and back. One of them said, "Your skin is lovely. I think all we'll need is a touch of waxing and a soothing cream."


  "Uh-huh, just enough to remove the light fuzz and make your skin shine."

  "Oh..., where?"

  "Everywhere from your eyebrows down, we don't want to miss anything now do we?"

  I gasped but then thought about Kari feeling my smooth, soon to be completely hairless, skin and felt an erection starting to rise. When someone pulled my cheeks apart, I gasped again but didn't dare to move. My erection was growing.

  "There," said one of them, "now we can get the front. Turn over."

  I lifted my head and blushingly said, "But I, um, I've got..., a little problem."

  "It's okay," said Jean, "we're used to it. We're the specialists for this sort of thing. Just turn over and relax."

  Slowly, I did as I was told and the towel fell to the floor. Not one of them laughed or made a remark so I closed my eyes and pretended I was alone with Kari. That was the wrong thing to do and my cock stood straight up.

  Jean leaned close and whispered, "We can take care of that if you'd like."

  "No!" I yelled jerking upright.

  "Oh, sorry...! Whatever you want is okay but you're obviously enjoying our work. I was just trying to help."

  "Yes, I am. It feels wonderful but Kari is the only one I'll have any kind of sex with."

  "Kimmy," she said, "we all know how much you love her and not a single person here would do anything to jeopardize that but she said to make you comfortable and whatever you wanted was okay. Now relax, I promise no one will attack you. We are going to have to touch you though, you know, to finish waxing your skin."

  "Whew, I'm being pretty silly aren't I?"

  "No, not really..., but you do have to relax and let us finish. Okay...?"

  Three hours later, I looked in the full length mirror at a beautifully manicured, styled and made up naked girl. "Oh my God, You guys really are fantastic. I love it!" I turned around and the towel fell off. "Oops, guess I'd better get dressed."

  "You look great Kimmy! But then, you were already beautiful so our work was easy and I'll bet your new clothes are here by now. I'll go get them for you."

  "My new clothes...?"

  "Sure, you can't wear men's clothes now. It'll spoil your aura."

  When Jean left the room, I stared at myself in the mirror. "I hope Kari likes this look because, if she doesn't, this will have been a colossal waste of time."

  The hairstylist, Martha, adjusted my bangs a little and asked, "How do you like this look? That's the real question."

  For some reason, the embarrassment I felt from being naked in front of strangers evaporated as I stared at the reflection of a beautiful young girl with perky short blonde hair, smooth silky skin and French manicured fingers and toes. It's me, it's really me! But my thoughts were interrupted when Jean came in carrying an arm full of clothes. "I think we've found something for you to wear. Let's get you fitted shall we?"

  "Have fun Kimmy," said Martha as she and the others left. "Now you can be the real you!"

  Jean laid the clothes on the massage table and said, "We have stockings and pantyhose but your legs are so beautiful I think you should go bare. What do you think?"

  I gulped when I looked at the dresses, skirts, hose and blouses. "I don't know. I've only fantasized about this and I'm clueless as to how to go about it. What do I do?"

  "Let's start with panties. Here," she held up two styles, "which do you prefer?" Then she looked at me and smiled. "Oops, that might be a problem and Kari's not here to take care of it."

  I looked down and blushed. "How do we, um, I mean..., what can we do about that?"

  "I can think of a couple of options." I stared at her for a second. "Oh don't worry Kimmy. I'll get a special g-strap for you."

  "What's a g-strap?"

  "You'll see. I'll be right back."

  While she was gone, I looked in the mirror and smiled. But then, fear set in. "What if Kari doesn't like it? Oh my God, what have I done?" And I conjured up all sorts of terrible rejections that might come out when she saw this 'new girl'.

  "Here, let's try this," said Jean when she came back. "I'll show you how to put it on and tuck yourself in." She held up the spandex thong and stretched it. "This'll work nicely but..., I do have to touch you. Okay?"

  Three minutes later, my 'clit' was pulled down and held back between my cheeks by the strong tight spandex. It felt weird for a few seconds but, when I looked in the mirror and saw the effect, it aroused me.

  "Wow!" I exclaimed. "That looks just like..., like...." I turned and looked over my shoulder. "Perfect, it looks great!"

  "Good. Now we can finish getting you dressed and...," she opened a package, "I brought these silicone breasts for you to try."

  I ran my hand over them. "They feel real!"

  "They're the best prosthetics available and, once you have them on, no one can tell them from the real thing."

  My face flushed a little when I put on the bra and slipped them in place. "They feel...," I ran my hands over the bra. "They feel wonderful!"

  "Don't get too excited or the term screwing yourself could take on a whole new meaning!"

  Ten minutes later I was getting used to walking in high heels as I nervously waited for Kari to arrive. "This isn't so hard," I said out loud as I watched my movements in the mirror. "And I do have nice legs. God I hope Kari isn't freaked! This feels way too good! What if she hates it?"

  Then, from behind me, I heard, "But I don't hate it Kimmy. I love it. It's the real you!"

  I spun around and saw Kari and Ginger standing in the doorway. Kari r
an to me and wrapped me in her arms. "I love the new you Kimmy! You're beautiful, adorable, it's perfect!"

  Ginger closed the door and smiled. "I think I see twins! How do you feel now Kimmy?"

  But my mind was locked on Kari's reaction to this transformation and all I could say was, "Really Kari, do you really like it?"

  "Yes! I love it! You really are beautiful, but now I'm jealous! You're prettier than I am!"

  "Never," I replied with a kiss. "No one on this Earth is prettier than you!" Then I looked at Ginger patiently waiting for an answer. "I feel..., um, I feel wonderful Ginger. It's like, I'm now who I always wanted to be. This feels great!"

  "Excellent!" she said handing me a small bag. "Now, here's a prescription with full instructions. Take this home and read everything and, if you have any questions at all, call me."

  "Oh, I almost forgot," said Kari reaching into her purse. "I have a little surprise for you." She pulled out a jewelry box and opened it. "What do you think..., do you like it?"

  The dainty gold heart had "K K" engraved on the front and the word "Forever" on the back. "It's perfect, I love it!" I said trying to undo the clasp with freshly manicured nails.

  "Here, let me," she said putting the chain around my neck. "I think it'll take a little while for you to get used to those nails."

  "How does it look?" Kari jokingly teased by shaking her head as if she were undecided. "Oh come on! Don't tell me it looks awful on me!" I spun around and looked in the mirror. "I think it's pretty. It's perfect!" I spun back and threw my arms around her. "Thank you, thank you for everything! This is the best birthday I've ever had!"

  Kari looked at Ginger and pulled me close. "What do you think Ginger..., twins?"

  "If I had never seen you two before, I'd think you really were twin sisters. Now go out and have some fun together."

  "Out...?" I shrieked. "You mean like, out in public? I don't know if ––"

  "No one will ever know. You already had a female voice and face before you came here and now you look perfect. Don't worry Kimmy. The biggest problem you're going to have is keeping the ogling men away."

  "Are you sure Ginger?" I asked looking in the mirror. "No one will know what a freak I am?"

  Kari spun me around by the shoulders. "You are not a freak Kimmy! Now stop it! And remember our deal..., anything right?" I nodded. "Good! Now let's go shopping, and then..., I'm going to seduce you although, I'm not sure where. Hmm, maybe in a restaurant or a department store dressing room; oh well, I'll decide later." She slipped one hand under the back of my short skirt, felt between my legs and smiled. "Let's just wait and see what pops up. Okay...?"

  "Ha! Yes Ma'am," I mumbled submissively.

  Ginger was right about no one knowing. We went to several stores, bought a few things and everyone thought we were just two girls out on a shopping spree. "You guys were right," I whispered after several construction workers whistled and hollered when we walked by, "even they don't have a clue. I can't believe this is really happening."

  Kari laughed at my amazement. "Well it is. And now that you've become such a sexy girl, let's go home so I seduce my lesbian lover."

  * 7 * The Sweet Taste of Love

  "Good evening Madam and..., Madam," said Alfred when we got out of the car. "Ah, and you have bags. Shall I take your purchases upstairs to the master bedroom?"

  "Yes please, and have everyone come to the music room." Then Kari whispered, "See Kimmy, everyone here is going to love the new you!"

  "Whew," I said finally exhaling. "He didn't joke or look at me funny or anything!"

  "Alfred is the best and this is not the first time he's met a transgendered person."

  We went inside while I wondered just how many transsexuals he had met and if they were Kari's previous loves. I don't know if she heard my thoughts but, on the way to the music room, she said, "There have been several others here, but only as clients, and the staff understands the work we do at Euphoria."

  "Oh, I was –– Did you just read my mind?"

  She laughed. "Don't know, but I think you've read mine quite a few times. I just thought you'd like to know about the others."

  "I did wonder but..., okay, I won't ask anything else."

  "You can ask me anything Kimmy."

  "Thanks," I whispered and then noticed our heights. "I'm almost as tall as you in these heels. Cool!" She grinned and we continued to the music room where her staff was waiting.

  "Hi everyone," she said as we walked in. "This is the real Kimmy."

  I watched their faces for stifled laughter but they smiled as if I had always looked this way and my pounding heart began to slow down. One by one they shook my hand and said, "Welcome home Kimmy," but when it was Alfred's turn, he kissed my hand and said, "Welcome Madam Kimmy. And, may I say, you are absolutely stunning. I am hopeful you will find happiness and contentment here with Madam Kari and our staff."

  With a sigh of relief, I breathed a soft, "Thank you for being..., understanding and..., well..., just, thank you!"

  "Told ya!" said Kari with a grin. "Can we eat soon? I'm actually starving for a change. Kimmy and I were so busy today, we forgot all about lunch!"

  "Absolutely Madam, what would you like?"

  "Something quick and easy, Kimmy and I want to retire early tonight."

  They all smirked for a second before Alfred said, "We'll have dinner ready forthwith Madam and Madam. And I'll bring your drinks momentarily."

  When Alfred returned, he found two girls sitting on a piano bench playing and singing. "Beautiful music," he said as he opened a bottle of sherry and poured two glasses. "You're both quite talented. Will there be anything else?"

  "Not right now Alfred. I haven't sung anything since college. Kimmy's teaching me!"

  "Very good," he replied in his usual manner. I'll inform you when dinner is ready."

  We played, sang and sipped sherry for the next twenty minutes and then went to the dining room. "Oh-oh," I said as we walked, "these shoes feel a little bit higher now for some reason."

  "It was probably that third glass of sherry we had. I think my new Kimmy will have to practice walking in four inch heels a little more. "Oops," she squealed when she stumbled, "maybe I'd better practice myself. I think I feel just a little bit tipsy!"

  We burst out laughing and struggled to the dining room giggling all the way. During dinner, we looked at each other with anxious eyes and fed each other between laughs and sips of water. Neither of us wanted any more wine and we skipped dessert with other tastes in mind.

  "Ready Kimmy...?"

  "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I replied with a kiss. We giggled, waved goodnight and ran upstairs.

  When Kari closed the bedroom doors, she stifled a smile and said, "Let's freshen up first, but you can only take your g-strap off. Everything else has to stay on. I'm going to play with you for awhile, perhaps, all night!"

  We disappeared into our respective "his and her" bathrooms and I stared at my reflection in the mirrors. I can't believe how I look or how good it feels. I turned around and gazed at my long smooth legs, short skirt, perfect makeup and perky hair style. Then, I ran my hands over the fake breasts. I wish these were real. I removed the g-strap and looked back at the mirror. A smile slowly developed along with a growing erection but my fantasizing was interrupted by Kari's voice.

  "Oh Kimmy...."

  "I'll be right there," I yelled.

  When I finished checking myself and hurried back into the bedroom, I gasped at a gorgeous girl standing with her elbow propped up against the door jamb, wearing only heels and a smile. "Are you ready for me?" she purred. I moved close and tried to give her a kiss but she stopped me and said, "Oh no you don't! I'm in control tonight and you're not going to distract me. Maybe..., if you're really, really good, I might let you touch me."

  "Yes Ma'am," I said submissively.

  "That's better. Now sit in that chair. I'm going to tie your hands and feet so you can't move and then I'm going to tease you until you beg me
to let you cum."

  My heart raced as she tied my hands and ankles with a silk rope. The sight of her moving around me and the fragrance of her perfume was driving me mad with desire, but I promised I'd be her slave and be her slave I would, happily! Two minutes later, all I could move was my head. She kissed my ear and whispered, "Now you're all mine. Are you comfy?"

  "Yes but, I can't move at all. What are you going to do to me?"

  "First," she said with a kiss, "I want you to know that I love you and you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Okay?"

  "Okay but I want to do everything with you, anything and everything!"

  She kissed my ear and breathed, "Okay, but if you say stop, I will."

  She straddled my legs and bent down to my face. "Ooooo, you really are beautiful Kimmy and I want your soft lips to ravish every inch of me."

  I could only reach the places she chose as she writhed around allowing me to kiss and feel her breasts against my face. When I sucked on a nipple, she shivered for a second and pulled away. She straightened up, put her hands on the sides of my head and guided my face to her navel. My lips brushed against her fragrant skin, back and forth, up and down before I circled her navel with my tongue and pushed the tip into it. When I tried to move down, she giggled, pulled away and turned around.

  "Do you like my ass?"

  "Oh yes. Please let me feel it. I want to kiss and touch it all over."

  She bent forward slightly and swayed around in front of my anxious eyes. The sight of those long shapely legs, her athletic back and everything in between made my erection poke out past the hem of my short skirt. That was exactly what she wanted.

  "We're making progress," she giggled. "Let's see how your mouth feels on my ass. Do a good job and I might give you more of me."

  When she moved back, my lips devoured her cheeks and I strained my neck trying to reach every part of her arched back, her ass and the valley in between but her movements teased and drove me to murmur a soft, "please...?" She giggled and pressed her ass against my face. "Yes," I groaned but she quickly pulled away bending all the way over and kissing my toes while I stared at her most intimate parts, inches away from my pleading eyes. I couldn't move. I wanted to scream. I wanted to beg, plead or do anything to kiss, taste and feel her against me but, she was definitely in control. Finally, she took one step back and my tongue quickly found those beautiful fragrant lips between her thighs. As soon as I started to kiss and suck them, she jumped forward and turned around.